
1:1 Pharmacist Chat

Chat privately with a licensed pharmacist to get quick answers to your medication questions.

24/7 On-Demand

Pharmacists are available on-demand anytime you need one, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Access Everywhere

Our mobile app makes it possible to chat with pharmacists anywhere and everywhere.

Verified and licensed pharmacists

Chat with a Pharmacist online from home

Connect with a pharmacist on-demand in a private and secure 1:1 personal chat. Get answers to your general health and medication related questions. Fast and convenient service that could save you thousands on health and wellness guidance.
Download the app to get started:

How it works

  • Ask a question

    To get started type your question into the chat including any relevant information and submit the chat request.
  • Wait for a pharmacist to respond

    Once a pharmacist is available they will accept your request and respond to your question.
  • Chat with the pharmacist

    If the pharmacist has answered your question you can end the chat session. If you want more information, you are welcome to chat with the pharmacist as long as you want.
  • Stay in touch

    Come back to chat whenever you have more questions. The more you use the chat the more informed about your medications you are.
Download the app to get started:

Frequently Asked Questions 

What can I chat with the pharmacist about?

You can speak to pharmacists on the platform about general health, wellness, and medication topics such as:

  • Non-emergency topics related to medications
  • Prescription prices and generic options
  • Possible allergic reactions
  • Symptoms you may be experience
  • Side effects of prescription medications
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) options

Pharmacists on this platform do not provide medical advice and are not a medical provider. This site is for educational and information purposes, similar to speaking with a wellness counselor.

Will my chat be private?

Yes. Your chat session is completely private and only you and the pharmacist can see the conent of the chat request and any followup responses and conversations. All our chats are 1:1 on between you and the pharmacist and are private, confidential, and secure.

It is up to you how little or how much much information you share with the pharmacist. Honest and open dialogue is encouraged and beneficial when looking to receive the most personalized experience.

What if no pharmacist is available?

While we offer the platform 24/7 there is no guarantee that a pharmacist will always be online and available as they may be away, or busy chatting with somebody else. You may need to wait until a pharmacist becomes available, but one will accept your chat as quickly as possible. You will receive a notification once your chat is accepted.

How much does it cost to chat with a pharmacist?

A chat with a pharmacist on Medidex Connect costs $2/minute with a minimum cost of $10.

You will be charged $10 when submitting a chat request and if your chat lasts past the initial 5 minutes each additional minute will cost an additional $2/minute. For example, a 10 minute converstion will cost $20 and a one hour conversation will cost $120 (60 minutes x $2/minute).

We offer unlimited chats for the small price of $50/month, which you can cancel at anytime. This is the best option if you plan to use the chat for 25 minutes or more per month.

Every questions answered by a pharmacist on Medidex Connect can save you an average of $130 compared to alternative options.

This chat room is not intended for use in medical emergencies. You may need to wait before a pharmacist is available. The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician. If you are in need of immediate medical attention, contact your physician, poison control center or emergency medical professional. Consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment of your medical condition. Advances in medicine may cause this information to become outdated, invalid or subject to debate. Professional opinions and interpretations of the scientific literature may vary. Medidex Connect Terms of Use and general warranty disclaimer apply to all services provided. If you need to speak with a pharmacist for urgent prescription matters, contact your local pharmacist. For all health emergencies, please contact your physician or local emergency services, accordingly.